Registration for AI Manufacturing 2022 will open soon.
Early Bird Conference Registration: $695 • By May, 20th, 2022
Conference Registration: $995 • After May, 20th, 2022
Onsite Conference Registration: $1,095 • After August 21st, 2022
Conference registration includes access to all scheduled sessions, two days of 1x1 meeting capabilities, networking events, including breakfast, lunch and cocktail reception, and exhibit hall.
Attend with A Complimentary VIP Buyer Pass
Our VIPs are extended a complimentary conference pass. To apply, a VIP must be a qualified purchasing decision-maker with a manufacturer and must be approved by the AI Manufacturing conference team. VIPs are given a pass to the conference and access to strategic meetings with potential business partners. Your application as VIP Buyer is subject to approval by the program coordinator.
Hotel Information
12720 Merit Dr.
Dallas, TX 75251
Join us in Dallas for the
AI Manufacturing 2022 conference.